Your house will always be clean with regular preventative floor cleaning. It’s a matter of staying on top of the pet hair and dirt. Once you have had your initial deep clean, in order to achieve a benchmark level of cleanliness, we can manage the rest with maintenance. Really, even pets will get use to the cleaning routine and enjoy scurrying around your clean floors.

You want to live in a hygienic living environment. A clean floor, or a not so clean floor says a lot about a home’s environment. It’s not just about appearances; it is also about reducing allergens and pathogens to levels that don’t pose risks to your health. A trained and experienced cleaner knows exactly where to look for these potentially damaging problems. Plus, it’s Arizona, you don’t want to breathe in the debris. Especially, as we approach this gorgeous weather, which means a very dry air; meaning drier skin. Thus, there will be more DUST or dead skin cells around your house compared to the summer.
Fun Fact: The percentage of dust in our homes is actually from dead skin cells, about 75% to 90%.

So, have your home ready for visitors! The biggest floor cleaning jobs can take up several hours, so you want to plan ahead and get your floors cleaned before your house guests arrive. Instead of living in a constant state of panic, you can ensure your home is always presentable by hiring a professional floor cleaner. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or week it is, you will never be embarrassed about your floors again. And believe me, Thanksgiving is going to sneak up on you sooner than you think!